Complaints Process

Broadway Medical Centre is committed to upholding the rights of all patients as outlined in the Health & Disability Commissioner’s Code of Rights. We strive to deliver high-quality, professional care to everyone who visits us. However, we recognise that there may be times when our service doesn’t meet your expectations.

What can you do?

We would like to know if you are unhappy with the service or treatment you received. We encourage you to put your complaint in writing as soon as possible so that we can investigate this for you.

If you would prefer to discuss your complaint, please call us and ask for the complaints officer.

Please include:

  • Brief description of the incident(s) that occurred.
  • Time and date of the incident(s).
  • Details of the action, event, process or staff member
  • Names of staff involved (if possible)

If you make a complaint with us:

We will let you know within five working days that we have received your complaint. 

We will be in touch within ten working days to discuss your complaint further or if we need more time to investigate your complaint. If we need more time, we will advise you of the reason for this.

Help and Advice

If you would like to know more about your rights when receiving health and disability care, you can contact the Health and Disability Advocacy Service who offer free independent advice.

Your Details

My feedback is about:

The date was:
Any staff involved?
Details of the event: