Our doctors and nurses offer a range of different services. For more information about the services we provide, you can click on the tabs above.
Please note, the information highlighted in these sections may lead to third-party websites.
Please read our Website Disclaimer and Terms of Use before clicking on these links. If you find a link that is not working, please feel free to let us know via our contact page or email us.
We offer a wide range of different appointments for general and routine care:
Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and how long you have had them. They will also ask you about your general health and will examine your breasts. They might also feel the lymph nodes under your arms and in your neck. Your doctor might refer you to a hospital specialist or breast care clinic for tests.
Our doctors are available to see children for all general health concerns including Well Child Checks, B4 School Checks.
As part of our commitment to the health of our local community, we can provide management plans to patients who suffer from a chronic medical condition.
A chronic medical condition is one that has been present for at least six months or longer, such as:
By clicking on the links above you will be re-directed to the relevant NZ third party website.
There are a wide range of contraceptives available. You can speak to your Doctor or the Practice Nurse for any additional information regarding the option best suited to you.
Our doctors and nurses can help you with information regarding fertility issues, pregnancy and post-natal care.
Vaccinations prevent you or your child from getting diseases for which there are often no medical treatments. These illnesses can result in serious complications and even death. A small number of people may be susceptible to diseases, such as those with impaired immune systems.
Aclasta (Zoledronate) Iron Infusions
Aclasta infusions are used in New Zealand for the treatment of osteoporosis and Paget’s disease. These infusions are available at Broadway Medical Centre for enrolled patients.
Liquid Nitrogen/Cryotherapy
We use liquid nitrogen to remove abnormal (pre-cancerous) and benign (non-cancerous) skin growths, such as warts. This can be done as a routine (single) appointment with a doctor.
Once your enrolment is complete and your records from your previous medical centre, we invite you for a FREE New Patient Health Assessment before seeing your doctor. This gives your doctor all the up-to-date information to provide you with the best possible care.
You will need to complete the New Patient Health Assessment prior so please check with reception to make sure you have this.
See Nurse Services
A prostate exam can help your doctor diagnose an enlarged or inflamed prostate. It can also help them diagnose prostate cancer.
The exam typically involves a digital rectal exam (DRE) and a test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. Your doctor may want to perform a prostate exam if you have symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
A pessary is a small silicone or plastic support that is inserted into the vagina. It is usually in the shape of a ring. It is left in place and helps to lift up the walls of your vagina and any prolapse of your womb (uterus). Pessaries don’t fix prolapses but they can reduce or lessen the symptoms of prolapse and help you live more comfortably.
Our Nurses are available to administer a wide range of routine immunisations and injections including allergy injections, depo provera, iron etc. (These need to be discussed and organised with your doctor first).
A sexual health check-up is an opportunity for you to discuss any sexual health concerns you may have, including concerns about STIs and HIV. If you are sexually active having a regular sexual health check-up is always a good idea. You don't need to have physical symptoms to undergo a sexual health check-up.
It is a good idea to book a travel consultation at least six weeks before departing. We will go over your itinerary with you and advise of any vaccinations or medications that are required or recommended.
Due to appointment wait times, please complete the Pre-Travel Medical and Health Questionnaire below and return it to us as soon as possible.
Planning well ahead will ensure we can get everything in place before your departure, as some vaccines are in short supply.
Our Nurses are available to administer a wide range of routine immunisations and injections.
Our Nurses are available to provide wound care to our patients.
- Wound Care Advice
In New Zealand, drivers are required to renew their licenses at the ages of 75, 80, and every two years after that, as stipulated by the Transport Authority.
While aging itself does not prevent someone from driving, our ability to drive safely can decline as we get older. Various medical conditions can impact driving ability, and these must be carefully assessed to ensure safety.
As part of the renewal process, you’ll need to provide a medical certificate from your doctor. Your doctor has a legal and ethical responsibility to verify that you are medically fit to drive. This obligation is to the Transport Authority, to you as the driver, and to the wider public. Driving is a privilege, not a right, and a balance must be maintained between preserving your independence and ensuring road safety for everyone.
When evaluating your fitness to drive, your doctor will consider several factors:
- Medical conditions that could cause sudden health issues while driving
- Your vision
- Cognitive abilities, such as memory and decision-making speed
- Reaction times
- The risk of fatigue while driving
Additional Information for Class 2–5 Licenses and Endorsements
Drivers with Class 2–5 licenses (trucks and heavy vehicles) or P (Passenger) and FTWR endorsements have stricter medical requirements than those holding a Class 1 (light motor vehicle) license. For these licenses, specific conditions may necessitate sign-off by a specialist. If you require a medical assessment for these classes or endorsements, please inform our reception team when booking, as this is a different type of appointment.
Fees and Costs
Please note that driving medical assessments are not publicly funded, and there is a higher fee for these appointments:
- Class 1 Drivers License Medical: $90.00
- Class 2-5 Drivers License Medical: $90.00
By ensuring comprehensive medical evaluations, we aim to help you drive safely while safeguarding the well-being of all road users.
Regular health checks can identify any early signs of health issues. When you have a health check, your doctor will talk with you about your medical history, your family's history of disease, and your lifestyle, including your diet, weight, physical activity, alcohol use, and whether you smoke.
An insurance medical exam is an opportunity for your insurance company to review your medical history and basic information that was used to make your insurance application. The insurance medical exam is done by your doctor.
Please let reception know if you are booking in for an insurance medical as these are longer appointments.
What is the Limited Service Volunteer (LSV) Programme?
The Limited Service Volunteer (LSV) programme is a free, six-week residential training course run by the New Zealand Defence Force. It’s designed to help participants build confidence, resilience, and life skills. Activities include physical and team-building challenges such as running, abseiling, high ropes, sports, and tramping. While it can be physically and emotionally demanding, it’s a rewarding experience for those who take part.
Medical Examination Requirements
Before attending the LSV programme, participants must pass a medical examination. This ensures they are healthy, safe, and well-suited to participate in the programme’s activities. A doctor will complete a medical certificate, which is required for acceptance into the course.
- If you have a medical condition, you may still be able to participate as long as it won’t compromise your safety or well-being.
- If you are not well enough to participate, the doctor cannot recommend your acceptance into the programme.
The medical certificate is valid for six months from the date it is completed and must cover the entire duration of the course.
Cost of the Medical Examination
Good news! There is no fee charged to the patient for this medical examination.
What Happens Next?
- Once the medical certificate is completed, the doctor will provide it to you.
- A copy of the completed form will also be kept on file at the clinic for records.
If you have any questions about the LSV programme or the medical examination process, feel free to ask our reception team.
Work and Income has the following medical certificates for clients when they are applying for financial assistance.
- Work Capacity Medical Certificate
- Disability Certificate (for disability allowance)
- Disability Certificate - Counselling
- Disability Allowance - Medical Alarm Assessment
- Supported Living Payment medical certificate for a person being cared for
- Child Disability Allowance - Medical Certificate
You may also be asked to provide a Host Doctor Report or medical information to support an application for PATHS.
Our Nurses offer a wide range of different clinics for your routine and preventative health care:
An audiometry exam tests your ability to hear sounds. Sounds vary, based on their loudness (intensity) and the speed of sound wave vibrations (tone). Hearing occurs when sound waves stimulate the nerves of the inner ear. The sound then travels along nerve pathways to the brain.
A blood pressure test is a simple way of checking if your blood pressure is too high or too low.
Blood pressure is the term used to describe the strength with which your blood pushes on the sides of your arteries as it's pumped around your body.
Blood tests are one of the most common types of medical tests. They have many uses, including assessing your general health, checking if you have an infection, seeing how well specific organs are functioning and screening for certain genetic conditions.
This is a group of tests and health factors that have been proven to indicate your chance of having a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke. They have been refined to indicate the degree of risk: borderline, intermediate, or high risk.
The cervical screening test checks for human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and changes in the cells covering the neck of your womb. These changes could later develop into cervical cancer if they aren't treated.
A comprehensive health assessment gives nurses insight into a patient's physical status through observation, the measurement of vital signs, and self-reported symptoms. It includes a medical history, a general survey, and a complete physical examination.
Our Nurses can help with advice regarding diet, medication, blood tests, and any other concerns you may have with management of diabetes.
Annual check ups include eyes, feet, circulation, diet, weight, neuropathy, heart, blood pressure, thyroid, electrolytes, cholesterol, blood and more.
An ECG (electrocardiogram) records the electrical activity of your heart at rest. It provides information about your heart rate and rhythm and shows if there is an enlargement of the heart due to high blood pressure (hypertension) or evidence of a previous heart attack (myocardial infarction).
Our Nurses provide intravenous (IV) administration of medicines at Broadway, in order to offer treatment to patients who would otherwise need to be admitted to hospital.
Our nurses are available to give advice regarding:
- eating healthy food.
- being physically active.
- attaining and maintaining a healthy weight.
- being tobacco free.
- mental wellbeing.
- limiting alcohol intake.
- self-care.
- adequate sleep.
When you enrol as a new patient at Broadway we invite you for a FREE New Patient Health Assessment prior to seeing your doctor. This helps give your doctor all the up-to-date information they need to provide you with the best possible care.
For results on any tests you have had done, you can check these on ManageMyHealth once the doctor has uploaded them. Alternatively, you can phone and speak to the Nurse about these.
Our Nurses are available to administer a wide range of routine immunisations and injections including allergy injections, depo provera, iron etc. (These need to be discussed and organised with your doctor first).
Wanting to quit smoking? Our nurses are available to give you advice and support to help you.
Quitting smoking lowers your risk of other cancers over time as well, including cancers of the stomach, pancreas, liver, cervix, colon, and rectum, as well as acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
Our Nurses are available to administer a wide range of routine immunisations and injections.
Our Nurses are available to provide wound care to our patients.
Our Clinical Pharmacist specialises in medicines and how they work and interact. She works directly with patients and liaises with the general practice team to make sure your medicines help you get better and stay well. You will see our Clinical Pharmacist when you need extra expert advice on your medicines or medication review, after some hospital discharges, regarding medication side effects and medicine education.
A comprehensive health assessment gives nurses insight into a patient's physical status through observation, the measurement of vital signs, and self-reported symptoms. It includes a medical history, a general survey, and a complete physical examination.
Our Community Support Worker is able to provide practical support for our patients to access community resources and services. i.e. housing, employment, education/training, WINZ, and recreational activities, money matters, managing gambling or drinking, social engagement, etc.
Rapid antigen tests (RATs) are currently Aotearoa New Zealand’s primary testing tool for people with COVID-19 symptoms or household contacts. RAT results are available quickly – usually in about 20 minutes.
If you are symptomatic or a household contact, you can now order rapid antigen tests (RATs) through the newly launched RAT requester site.
Dr. Doug Hill has a special interest in musculoskeletal (relating to muscles and skeleton) injuries. He provides an assessment that is currently for ACC-funded injuries under the ACC GPSI contract. This service is available on referral from your usual General Practitioner.
- GPSI's can access all diagnostic facilities available to secondary care clinicians (Specialists). Clinical training for the GPSI's is provided by the Orthopaedic Consultants at Dunedin Hospital.
- Under the GPSI service, patients are diagnosed and a treatment plan is made. Patients referred to a GPSI receive high-quality, timely, efficient, and effective care.
- Patients referred to a GPSI are seen a maximum of three times, thereafter they are referred to a secondary care clinician or returned to their GP for ongoing management.
A skin lesion is a superficial growth or patch of the skin that does not resemble the area surrounding it.
Dr Doug Hill provides skin cancer surgery for private paying patients, and some surgeries are free under the PHO Skin Lesion GPSI contract funded through the WellSouth Primary Health Network.
- The skin lesion GPSI has surgical skills and training for minor surgical procedures which in some cases may have been referred to secondary care clinicians (Specialists).
- The waiting time is less which means patients are seen sooner and it also reduces hospital waiting lists.
- This can range from a simple punch biopsy to larger procedures including reconstructive flaps.
If you are not a patient at Broadway Medical Centre, appointments for this can usually be made on referral from your usual General Practitioner.
Our Health Coach provides support for our patients to understand healthy choices, medication issues, action planning, goal setting, self-management, support, and group courses.
Our Health Improvement Practitioner (HIP) is on-site at Broadway and sees our patients of any age regarding a number of concerns i.e. stress, sleep issues, grief, depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug issues, chronic pain, health choices, fatigue, headaches, family violence, medically unexplained symptoms, long-term conditions, relationship problems and children with behaviour issues.
A Doctor's appointment is required prior to any procedure. Please ensure you let Reception know when booking to ensure enough time is allowed.
These are some of the surgical procedures we provide:
- Excision of sebaceous cyst
- Joint/Steroid injection
- Punch Biopsy
- Wedge Resection of Ingrown Toenails
*Please Note: Fees are subject to change and you should check the fee when booking for an appointment or procedure with reception. All surgery and surgery-related consultations must be paid for on the day of the appointment or prior.
MINOR SURGERYRemoval of most skin lesions or cancers, moles, toenail surgery etc Minor Surgery is carried out in our purpose-built theatre. Your doctor will advise you prior to your surgery of the type of procedure which best suits your situation and any possible complications, scarring etc. The tissue is sent to the Southern Community Laboratory for diagnostic purposes and your doctor will discuss these results with you when you return for your follow-up appointment. In some cases, a further surgical procedure may be required to ensure all of the affected tissue has been removed. This may be done at the surgery or referred to a specialist for further review. Dr Doug Hill provides skin cancer surgery for private paying patients and some surgeries are free under the PHO Skin Lesion GPSI (General Practitioner with Special Interest) contract funded through the Southern PHO. (Dependent on funding availability). Fees may vary - Check with your doctor prior to your surgery for an approximate cost. Dr Douglas Hill is an Affiliated Provider to Southern Cross for skin surgery. For eligible Southern Cross members, this means:
It is recommended that you book a travel consultation as soon as you know your travel dates. The World Health Organisation recommends seeing your health professional at least six to eight weeks before your departure.
This time frame ensures that health risks associated with the destination, planned activities, and your health can be properly assessed. It also allows for the necessary vaccination schedules to be completed, as some vaccines require multiple doses at set intervals for full protection.
Please complete the below Pre-Travel and Health Questionnaire below and send it back to us ASAP so we can organise your appointment.
Planning well ahead will ensure we can get everything in place before your departure, as some vaccines are in short supply.
Dr. Susie Lawless offers specialised gynae health services at Broadway, exclusively for our patients. She holds regular clinics on Thursdays and provides a range of procedures, including insertions, replacements, and biopsies.
Services Offered:
- MIRENA & IUD Insertions and Replacements
- JADELLE Insertions, Removals, and Replacements
- PIPELLE Biopsies
- Ring Pessary Fitting & Changing
Appointment Details:
- When: Thursdays from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
- Where: Broadway location (appointments are required)
- Referral: GP appointments and referrals are necessary to assess the appropriateness of the procedure and determine eligibility for funding.
Important Notes:
- Eligibility for funding is based on the referral from your GP.
- If you are not eligible for funding, you will be informed of the fees below.
- Please note that fees do not cover the required GP consultation & referral, nor the cost of the device, if applicable.
Service Costs:
Service | Cost | Duration |
MIRENA & IUD Insertions | $225 | 30 minutes |
MIRENA & IUD Replacements | $305 | 30 minutes |
JADELLE Insertions | $200 | 30 minutes |
JADELLE Removals | $250 | 30 minutes |
JADELLE Replacements | $350 | 30 minutes |
Pessary Fitting | $200 | 30 minutes |
Pessary Change (GP Consult fee) | $40 | 20 minutes |
How to Book an Appointment:
To book an appointment with Dr. Susie Lawless, please contact us directly or make a referral through your GP. We are here to help guide you through the process, ensuring that you receive the care and treatment you need.
If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to get in touch with us.