What is a Health Care Home?

The Health Care Home (HCH) model is designed to deliver an improved and more sustainable primary care service in New Zealand. It enhances a patient and whanau experience, improved quality of care, benefits for clinicians and greater practice efficiency.

HCH introduces change to improve access for patients and to keep general practice sustainable, through a process of continuous improvement. 

As part of Broadway's Health Care Home journey, we have implemented changes across the practice under the HCH model of care to continually improve the service we provide our patients.

Health Care Home Patient Journey Video:

Health Care Home Model of Care

An integrated care management model that benefits patients and practices

Our vision for the future

Pae Ora — Healthy Futures Pae Ora is a holistic concept and includes three interconnected elements: 

  • mauri ora — healthy individuals
  • wai ora — healthy environments
  • whānau ora — healthy families
Pae ora encourages everyone in the health and disability sector to work collaboratively, to think beyond narrow definitions of health, and to provide high-quality and effective services. All three elements are interconnected and mutually reinforcing, and further strengthen the strategic direction for Māori health for the future (MoH, 2015). 

Whānau Ora - Whānau Ora is a culturally grounded, holistic approach to improving the wellbeing of whānau as a group and addressing individual needs within the context of whānau. Characteristics include:

  • building whānau capability to support whānau self-management, independence and autonomy
  • putting whānau needs and aspirations at the centre with services that are integrated and accessible 
  • building trusting relationships between service providers and whānau, and between government agencies and iwi 
  • developing a culturally competent and technically skilled workforce able to adopt a holistic, whānau centred approach to supporting whānau aspirations 
  • supporting funding, contracting and policy arrangements, as well as effective leadership from government and iwi, to support whānau aspirations (TPK, 2016).

Our Values

Poipoia Having empathy and nurturing the provision of quality care for whānau
Manaakitanga  Acknowledging the mana of each party in order to create an environment of respect for different perspectives and behaviours
Whakapono  Acknowledges the need for trust in doing the right things to ensure high quality systems and quality care
Kaitiakitanga Acknowledges a duty of care as a custodian that has the best interests of the patient/whānau and staff at heart
Pūkengatanga  There is an expected level of expertise by those delivering care and an obligation to do the best for patients and whānau
Oritetanga  All whānau experience the same excellent health and wellbeing outcomes regardless of situation and challenges
Tino Rangatiratanga Respecting the self-governance of each party and their control over their own destiny
The Health Care Home model is designed to deliver an improved and more sustainable primary care service in New Zealand. It enhances a patient and whanau experience, creates a more attractive working environment for the workforce and supports better value for the health dollar.